Formulated at New Zealands own Massey University.
Bone and Joint health for your dogs and cats just mix an small amount with your pets food intake.MyBeau Bone & Joint is a newly developed liquid nutritional supplement formulated for bone and joint health in cats and dogs.
It contains proven bone health enhancing ingredients of Glucosamine, Chondroitin & NZ Greenlipped mussel, Omega’s and Multivitamins for health and vitality. The product is available in 250ml bottle and 300ml pouches.
Use MyBeau Bone & Joint for:
Bone and joint health in younger animals as a preventative and older animal as a treatment
Overall health and vitalityMyBeau Bone & Joint benefits:
Contains human grade highly active Glucosamine, Chondroitin & NZ Greenlipped Mussel for bone & joint health
Quality/high absorption rates (99.5% absorption rates)
Scientifically formulated and tested by Industry Professionals (Massey University)
High palatability (garlic and meat flavours)
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